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Chat with our chatbot Mälar-Märta anytime, day or night, or connect with a team member during our opening hours. Click on the speech bubble in your browser to start the conversation.


We are on Facebook and are happy to answer your questions in Messenger between 06:00-20:00 on weekdays and 07:00-19:00 on weekends.

Open in Facebook


Do you have comments or questions? We always strive to get better and are happy to respond to your thoughts.

Send e-mail

You can call customer service on 0771-22 44 40


Press 1 for Traffic information (open around the clock)

Press 2 for customer service (open Monday to Friday between 06-20 and Saturday and Sunday between 07-19)

Rebooking in case of delay caused by Mälartåg when you bought a combined trip with several transport companies (Resplus) is available around the clock buy pressing 1.

We can also help you with


If you have a physical impairment and need help to and from the train or when changing trains, you can book an escort.

Book escort


Claims for damages

Information and contact information for you who have suffered an injury or had some of your belongings damaged during the trip.

To claims for damages

Lost and found

Sometimes misfortune is around the corner. Read more about how we can help you find and retrieve your lost item.

Go to lost and found