Travel with us in Stockholm-Mälardalen
Before your trip east
Everything you need to know before you travel with us.
During your trip east
WiFi, allergies, bicycle – this is how it works on board.
After your trip east
Forgot something on the train or comment on the trip.

Traffic information in the app
Now you can quickly and easily see the latest traffic information in the app when searching for your trip and on your purchased ticket.
How to travel with Mälartåg, safe and easy
Modern trains with WIFI
Work comfortably on board or just relax
Discounted price for youths and students

The commuter ticket for you in Stockholm-Mälardalen
Surrounding local traffic, for example, bus, commuter train and metro, are always included in the ticket
Select 30 days, 90 days or 1-year ticket
Discounted price for youths and students

News and travel inspiration

How it works on board
Read more