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How to buy and travel with your Movingo

Buy your Movingo ticket through the Movingo app, SJ's app, web, or retailers. App tickets allow you to lend, view receipts, purchase history, and traffic disruptions. This applies even if you buy online.

This is how it works

Regardless of where you purchased your Movingo ticket, you need to have a smartphone with the Movingo app or SJ's app installed, as the mobile phone acts as the ticket holder.

There is an exception for the Movingo 5/30 ticket, which can only be purchased in the Movingo app, as the ticket is not valid on SJ's  Movingo lines.

Traveling with local transport

You can scan the app ticket on buses in Sörmlandstrafiken, in VL traffic, and SL barriers at subway and commuter train stations, as well as on buses in SL traffic. If you are traveling in other transportation systems where Movingo is valid, you must present the ticket to the bus driver or other control personnel. This also applies in case of temporary malfunctions, for example, in the SL turnstiles.

Where to buy your Movingo ticket

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